Saturday, April 30, 2011


Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably aware of the recent changes in the publishing industry. E-readers sales have sky rocketed and platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing, Smashwords and Pubit! cut out the middleman, allowing anyone with a story that's burning inside of them to be heard.

When my girlfriend finished her first novel, I watched as agent after agent sent out form letter rejections, if she ever heard back at all (full disclosure: I may be a bit biased). She joined inkpop and networked with her target audience (young adults) and found they loved her work and that they were more than willing to pay for it. So she decided to embark on a self-publishing journey.

Two months later, her book is now available on Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble and 4 and 5 star ratings abound.

And that's how Letter Press Revolution was born--out of a desire to put out quality work, independently from traditional publishing methods, but maintain a professional standard. I'm a graphic designer by trade, so I used my skills to format her book (book cover and interior, e-format and print). You can find a sample of my work here.

I want to give new, independent authors a chance to get there work out to the world. I want the readers and the customers to determine the value of a creative work, not the opinions of one person at a publishing company.

If you're an aspiring author/indie press and are looking to easily get your work to your audience, then I want to help you. You've reached the right place for quality cover creation, book formatting, and help and advice on getting your work to the world. Letter Press Revolution is dedicated to promoting independent authorship in an evolving publishing world by offering resources to indie authors including professional formatting, cover creation, and other services.

I'll be posting weekly, and once a month, I'll highlight an indie author and their work. My girlfriend may do a guest post now and then as well, talking about her journey as a self-published author. I'm also open to suggestions from my readers/followers.
If you'd like more information on pricing, feedback, or a spotlight post on this blog, you can reach me at letterpressrev[at]gmail[dot]com.

Power to the Writter!

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